Category: CMS
CPF Activities – May 2024
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New PMB Definition Guideline for Schizophrenia**
PsychMg wants to inform medical schemes, service providers and mental healthcare users of the Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) Definition Guideline for Schizophrenia that was published on the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) website on the 16 October 2023. This guideline updates the previous PMB Definition Guideline for Schizophrenia, published 30 September 2020. Please Log In on…
Competition Commission Response to NHI Bill
Implement Health Market Inquiry findings Tamar Kahn | Business Day | 18 May 2023 THE Competition Commission has urged the Health Department to execute private sector reforms suggested by the Health Market Inquiry (HMI), arguing that they are crucial for the government’s National Health Insurance (NHI) plans. The HMI dedicated five years to examining the…
Response to DH mental health payment letter
Dear colleague, Many of you will have received a notice from Discovery Health recently and we have several letters of concern regarding the content thereof. Please take note of our position on this matter: The CPF in conjunction with Counselling Psychology South Africa (CPSA) have been engaged in a single meeting on Thursday 6th August…
Member notice regarding Discovery Form and Bestmed Circular
Dear CPF member, An Update on Two Important Matters: 1. Discovery have sent the so-called representing professional bodies a draft version of an extended form of the AT&PVCon Report on the understanding that we may not yet share it with our members despite the purpose being that we want to debate it with our members.…
Statement Regarding Claims and Telepsychology
Dear CPF Members, You may have been aware of many panic driven messages circulating the informal platforms for social media. Please do not react to anything until you receive an official guidance instruction from the CPF or from the medical schemes directly. Basically at present we continue engaging with Discovery regarding details they have suggested…
Medscheme Engagement
Dear CPF Member, During the COVID-19 pandemic, and the 21-day national lockdown, we have seen unprecedented measures taken to ensure every individual’s health and safety. In support of Government’s efforts to flatten the curve of infection rates, healthcare practitioners have had to adapt their means of service delivery. For the profession of Psychology, this has…
PMB Submissions – Schizophrenia, Bipolar and Mental health emergencies
The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) is inviting stakeholders to make submissions for the benefit definitions of schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder and mental health emergencies. To read the curcular, click here.